Sunday, March 4, 2012

Assignment Decision

After allot of thought, prayer, and contemplation I have decided to extend my current assignment for another 13 weeks.  One of the main reasons is that this is an easy assignment, and I have been asked to develop an orientation program for new staff, and help rewrite all of the Policies and Procedures for the unit I work in.  Although this sounds like something a sane person would run away from screaming, I actually enjoy the teaching aspect, and studying the latest standards, research, and evidence based practices to integrate into current practice.  The last time their policies were updated was 1999 and Joint Commission requires a minimum of every three years so there is allot of work to be done.

Another reason is after much thought and prayer, I have a feeling that I need to stay here for now, I will take my last three classes before I have to return to Alabama for my clinical rotations to get my Masters in Nursing Degree.  This has been a life long dream of mine, and since I will be 50 in April it is really now or never.  I also discovered that my former bank has been paying debits and sending my over draft notices, another mess to clean up from 1450 miles away, sometimes it never seems to end.  I have been praying and asking God for guidance on what to do, sometimes his will and voice is the only thing that seems to make sense at times.

I will be returning home for 3 weeks between assignments, my 50th Birthday is April 21 and I want to be home to spend it with my loving partner, 3 dogs, and my two kitties.  I do not care about turning 50, but it does mean that I can finally join AARP who sends me a membership package at least twice a week, I wonder if I am on some list somewhere?

I have a feeling that this is going to turn into a great year for me, I am currently facing several obstacles that need to be overcome, but I truly believe that this will be the year that I can finally get ahead financially, and find myself in that RV that I so truly want.  I remember in simpler times it was enough that you went to work every day, paid your bills the best that you could, and held steadfast to your faith in the great almighty, I refuse to give up that belief.  I have been through some pretty scary things in my life, but God has always been there to help me in my time of need, I truly believe this will be the year that I get that extra blessing that I need.  A prayer or two going up on my behalf wouldn't hurt either.

Until next time ......


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